Parent Resources
Recursos para padres
Welcome to the Parent Center in room 3! Come by and learn how you can help our Sixty-First Street community. Come, be a volunteer at Sixty-First Street Elementary!
¡Bienvenidos al Centro de Padres en el salón 3! Ven y aprende cómo puedes ayudar a nuestra comunidad de Sixty-First Street. ¡Ven y sé voluntario en la escuela primaria Sixty-First Street!
Our Parent Rep:
Mr. Rodriguez
You can contact him at:
You can leave him a message at:
Be a Volunteer/Sea un voluntario
Volunteer Opportunities/Oportunidades para ser voluntarios:
Morning Valet/Servicio al carro
Breakfast in the Classroom (selected rooms)/Desayuno en el salón
Support with school safety/Apoyo con seguridad escolar
School beautification/Embellecimiento escolar
Field Trips/Paseos
Learn about our Volunteer Program
Navigate through our Volunteer Presentation
Apply Here/Aplique Aquí
Vision: BTB ensures that every child and youth who is a student have a safe place to be beyond the regular school day in the presence of a responsible, caring adult with engaging activities that support achievement and promote social, emotional and physical development beyond the regular school day.
Children, Youth, and Family Collaborative (CYFC)
Grades TK-6 CYFCLA.org
Contact Ms. Maritza Mejia: maritza@cyfcla.org
CYFCLA is open Mondays through Fridays until 6 PM and is supervised by Beyond The Bell. Students are expected to follows the rules of the Coaches, stay in their assigned areas and take care of all materials and equipment.
Youth Services (YS) Grade 2-6
Grades 2nd - 6th grades
Contact Mr. Matthew Diaz: MatthewDiazsuccess@gmail.com
YS is open Monday through Fridays until 6 PM. Parents can choose either program, but YS offers flexibility on how long you need your child to be supervised after school.

Free TB Testing
Prueba de TB gratuita
Finger printing
service with LAUSD
Finger printing